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TPRS Russian – Effortless Russian

Oct 30, 2023

New grammar today :) 

In this episode, we practice possessive pronouns!

я – мой
ты – твой
он – его
она – её
мы – наш
вы – ваш
они – их

Also, you will hear the phrase "Его зовут / её зовут" – His / her name is ...

If you want to learn Russian with me,...

Oct 27, 2023

Russian Language Lesson 5 – Countries and Capitals.

If you want to learn Russian with me, welcome! My complete step-by-step course for beginners – 

Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips – 

Real Russian Club...

Oct 27, 2023

Russian Language Lesson 4 – Names and professions.

If you want to learn Russian with me, welcome! My complete step-by-step course for beginners – 

The new grammar here:

Personal pronouns: он (he) and она (she.)

In some words, we add the suffix -ка- to the word to make...

Oct 27, 2023

Russian Language Lesson 3 – At the bar.

How to work with a mini-story:

 • Read the text

 • Listen and answer the questions OUT LOUD (you don't need to provide the full answer, just yes and no would work for now)

 • Re-tell the story yourself out loud


And we stay at the same level of grammar...

Oct 27, 2023

Russian Language Lesson 2 – At the coffee shop.

If you want to learn Russian with me, welcome! My complete step-by-step course for beginners – 


And again, this episode does not require any knowledge of grammar :) 

'Это' means 'this is'.

'Тут' (здесь) means...